Below are some resources parishes can use to help spread the word about the upcoming eucharistic revival. Some materials are available in both English & Spanish. Materials will be added as they become available, so please check this page often.
The National Eucharistic Congress is now offering recordings of the content from the event at different levels of access, including free recordings, additional recordings available to those who attended the live event, and further recordings available for a fee to those who did not attend the live event. Find more information at
The Archdiocese of Indianapolis has developed a resource guide for study materials to used at the parish level to incorporate the eucharistic revival into many different areas of catechesis and formation. The lists include resources for adults and children, and include books, websites, newsletters, films, music, retreats, and more.
Study Resources in English | Study Resources in Spanish
10 Ways Parishes Can Enter Year 1 of the 3-Year National Eucharistic Revival
10 formas en que las parroquias pueden ingresar al año 1 del avivamiento
The Archdiocese of Indianapolis has developed a resource guide for liturgical practices related to the Eucharist, including popular devotions during eucharstic adoration, the Forty Hours devotion, eucharistic processions, holy hours, and more.
Liturgical Resources in English